The kids have been very present here donating at Camp Out Hunger. It's times like these where I am so proud of them and most importantly their parents, so I wrote you all a letter.
The stats are staggering when it comes to hunger in Maine. It's a stigma that is thick but vital to know and try to help our brothers and sisters struggle to eat in our state.
We had Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and now #GivingTuesday. Tuesday, December 2 is a global day dedicated to giving back to charities and the community. Celebrate generosity and give back.
I knew this would be happening this year, but it still makes me very sad. Captains Matt and Wendy Morrison from the Augusta Salvation Army are being reassigned. They are headed to Altoona, PA.
The Augusta Salvation Army is doing distribution this week and for the food baskets they need meat. They have been looking for hams and turkeys. The type of thing you would buy as the center piece of your holiday meal. Simply by stopping by the grocery store, picking up something fitting and dropping it off to them you can really help out.
The Salvation Army kicked off its annual Red Kettle Campaign that raises money for the needy during the holiday season. A Salvation Army brass ensemble played holiday carols at Monday’s kick-off celebration at the State House.