Janay Rice, wife of recently-reinstated NFL running back Ray Rice, sat down with NBC to open up about the domestic violence incident that gripped the nation.

Janay, accompanied by her mother, spoke with the 'Today' show's Matt Lauer for an interview that aired Monday morning (Ray Rice was not present at the interview).

Janay described how tough the whole high-profile scandal has been on her ("That's been the hardest part, is having so much of your life made public and have it all be negative"), as well as vehemently denying Ray abused her before or after the incident ("No. Not at all."). She also says the Ravens encouraged her to apologize for her role in the incident and they "basically gave us a general script."

Janay tried to set the record straight about what happened and the controversy that followed. What do you think? Does she make good points?

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