Things You Need to Know Today: December 4, 2020
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
Maine weather for your area from Maine.gov.
A Winter Storm Watch has been issued for parts of Maine for Saturday night and Sunday according to Newscenter. Windy weather and wet snow are expected.
Maine starts the day with 2,601 active cases of COVID-19. 9,733 of the 12,554 cases recovered. There have been 220 deaths according to WABI.
Joe Biden says he will ask all Americans to wear a mask for the first 100 days he is in office according to the BBC.
A fire all but destroyed a Waterville home early yesterday morning according to centralmaine.com.
A total of 18 wells are now considered classified as contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’ according to centralmaine.com.
The First Amendment Museum in Augusta is getting a gift of $150,000 from Kennebec Savings Bank according to centralmaine.com.
Local, College, Professional sports scoreboard: NFL Sunday Patriots play the Los Angeles Chargers.
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