Augusta Youth Art Competition Celebrates Maine’s Bicentennial
Calling all Augusta kids for the Augusta Youth Art Competition.
Rep Justin Fecteau is excited to host the Augusta Youth Art Competition! Justin represents parts of Augusta in the Maine Legislature. He and his wife Grace (who is wonderful) own Huiskamer Coffee Shop in Downtown Augusta. Justin is also a teacher and for his kindness to someone I love…he is very dear to me. So when he asked me to one of the judges for the Augusta Youth Art Competition said yes right away. It is a great idea…here are the details. Last year there was the Downtown Augusta Art Walk and this is a twist on that for Augusta kiddos. The Augusta Youth Art Competition theme will be Maine’s Bicentennial. Let's face it this has been a hard few months for all of us and this is just for Augusta's kids to be celebrated. Keep reading for all the details.
There is a $250 grand prize AND 10 winner of $25 each.
Who can enter? Kids in Augusta ages 0-18
Let your creative side out…any sort of artistic medium will be accepted. I am very excited to see what sort of artistic creations come from this. I am sure it will be hard to judge. Whenever I agree to be a judge for events like that this the only hard part is having to pick the winner because kids are so creative.
What we want you to do it send a PHOTO of your finished art piece…with your name, age and phone number to AugustaYouthArt@gmail.com.
The deadline is June 6th at 11:59pm. We will judge them and the winner will be announced after that! How exciting!?

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