Waterville is Officially a Month Away From Two-Way Traffic on Front & Main Streets
It wont be long now before the people of Waterville get to live in the same lavish lap of luxury that the people of Augusta have been living in now for several years. That's right, we're talking about two-way traffic in the city's busiest district- downtown.
For as long as we can remember (literally), traffic in Waterville's downtown district has been one-way only on that section of Main and Front streets, but on November 5th, all of that will change. Waterville residents, and those driving through the city, will be able to drive both ways on those roads. And, there's gonna be a party about it. Actually, it looks like there will be TWO parties.
Only in Maine do we throw epic celebrations with prominent members of community and government, to celebrate the changing of a traffic pattern. And, don't get me wrong, I for one think it's wicked-friggin-cool.
With the traffic pattern officially 'making the switch' on Saturday, November 5th, there will be a celebration the afternoon before on Friday, November 4th. Waterville City Manager, Steve Daly, said that the 'ribbon cutting' celebration will happen on the South Patio of the brand new Lockwood Hotel at the head of Front and Main Streets.
In addition to area residents, many Government officials have been invited to the celebration, too. Those names include Governor Janet Mills, Maine Senator Susan Collins, Waterville Mayor Jay Coelho, President of Colby College David Greene and others. The Kennebec Journal reports that no confirmations have been received yet.
Waterville City Manager, Steve Daly, says that the city has hopes of having a larger and more 'festive' celebration to commemorate the occasion in the spring of 2023.
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