We quickly found out that this place has six, yes, six pools and hot tubs, four swimming pools, one of which is almost 10 feet deep (and massive), and two very large hot tubs.
They took data from user reviews as well as awards and accolades on classic diners from each state in America- and the results are in. And guess what? Maine had not one, but TWO diners make this coveted list.
According to Wikipedia, Choate Bridge located in Ipswich, Massachusetts (about 30 miles North of Boston) is a stone arch bridge built in 1764 carrying Route 1A/Route 133 over the Ipswich River. It is considered one of the oldest surviving bridges in North America and is more than likely the oldest in Massachusetts.
Did you know when automakers first introduced radios in early automobiles, many didn't embrace this new way of listening to your local radio station on the go? Many lawmakers and even concerned citizens opted to ban car radios for being too noisy and distracting for drivers. Distracted driving, sounds familiar right?
Most of you probably knew about but, since I apparently live under a rock, I'm just learning about this. And now, I've become an advocate for the color green.