It's kind of hard to believe that the start of fair season in Maine is just about a month away! We'll blame the fact that winter held on so long, and that spring was so short, for that one!
Here's the 2018 list of (mostly) Central Maine fairs from Maine...
Have you ever wondered where the name of your hometown came from? Well, after a little research, I dug up the origins of a few of central Maine's cities and towns.
Do you know which city was named after a Revolutionary hero, or was named after a famous English author or a prominent Boston physician...
Alright, it's time to channel our inner giggling school boy. While scrolling through a list of Maine's towns and cities, occasionally you'll come across one that makes you look around real quick, check if anyone is there to judge you, and then allow yourself to have a good chuckle...
The Monmouth Police Department yesterday (Aug. 29) responded to a car accident in front of Phil's Variety in North Monmouth on Route 202. An unknown black pickup truck was involved in the accident and fled the scene, heading towards Leeds...
A man has been killed in a head-on crash in Monmouth this morning.
According to the Kennebec Journal's website at, the man, whose name is being withheld pending notification of family members, died before a helicopter could taken him to a hospital.
The Monmouth Community Players production of Terry Pratchett's 'Wyrd Sisters' is coming to the historic Cumston Hall in Monmouth. The multi-talented cast is under the direction of Mike Clements.