That image sums it up. I am a sucker for a happy story and this is a good story. I had seen this on the Seal of Honor Facebook page. The page started as way to remember LT Michael P Murphy and to never let the memory of those that perished in Operation Red Wings to die. They also share other wonderful stories. Like this one.  It is very sweet.

This was taken at a 5k in Michigan, Lcpl Kerr running in the event in event wearing boots and carrying a ruck sack.  His Marine buddies had finished the 5K but he had not. When they started to back track to make sure he was ok, they found he was very OK.  Kerr came around the corner running with a boy. Apparently the boy had become separated from the group he started the race with. But he was smart, he asked Lcpl Kerr to run with him. Kerr ran with him and encouraged him along to the end to the 5K. Throughout the course, Lcpl Kerr urged him on when the boy wanted to give up and ensured that the boy saw the course to completion and the boy finish ahead of him. Then he made sure the boy was reunited with his party.

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