Police Search for Vandals of Defaced Maine Cemetery
In what can only be described as a nasty act of selfish vandalism, the Roberts-Wakefield Cemetery in Waterboro has been defaced.
According to a post from the Waterboro Cemetery Committee on Sunday night, several graves and memorials were vandalized with green and red spray paint including the cemetery sign by the roadway.
Probably the saddest part of this story is the fact that six of the memorials that were destroyed belong to children who had passed away before the age of 13. Additionally, three of the graves tampered with belong to children under 6 months old when they passed.
If you have any information regarding the vandalism, please contact the York County Sheriff's Office at 207.324.1113. Below is a the verbiage of the Facebook post by the Waterboro Cemetery Committee on Sunday night.
We were recently made aware of acts of vandalism that have taken place in the Roberts-Wakefield Cemetery on Townhouse Rd. in East Waterboro. There were 10 people whose memorials were defaced. 6 of these memorials belonged to children who had sadly passed away before turning 13; 3 of them were under 6 months old. There were members from both the Roberts and the Wakefield families affected. Cemetery vandalism is a crime not only against the deceased and their families, but against the whole community that these individuals helped shape. It is absolutely disgusting and beyond disrespectful. If you have any information regarding this vandalism, please call (207)651-1059 or call the sheriff’s office at (207)324-1113. If you do not have any information, but still want to help, please share this post. Thank you.
We have also included several photos of the vandalism below. However, please be advised, several of the photos contain adult language and images.
Roberts-Wakefield Cemetery
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