Maine Principal’s Association Delays Winter Sports Indefinitely
According to News Center Maine, the Maine Principal's Association has made the tough decision to postpone the start of the winter sports season indefinitely. The planned start date for winter school sports in Maine had been slated for November 16th.
One of the biggest concerns for the MPA was the double standard that they felt fell on schools with the current COVID guidelines. Currently, many schools are using their gymnasiums for other functions like study halls, classrooms and even cafeterias all in an attempt to keep students physically distanced in accordance with Maine CDC guidelines. Schools cannot then expect that at the end of every day teachers remove all other equipment from the gym in order to facilitate a sporting practice.
Changes to Maine school sports are certainly not a new concept this year. Earlier in the fall it was determined that tackle football and volleyball would need to be cancelled in order to keeps kids safe and in line with CDC guidelines. Additionally, soccer and field hockey teams only met for regional schedules and not statewide games as they would during a typical season. Both cross-country and golf schedules were played as normal for most schools this fall.
Several committees involved with the MPA are currently working on specific recommendations that may allow for a return to winter sports at some point. The guidelines are being worked on by the Maine Music Educators Association, the Maine Forensic Association, the Maine Drama Council and the MPA Sports Committee. After all the guidelines are created they will be reviewed and potentially implemented by the Maine Principal's Association.
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