KFC Replaced Iconic Potato Wedges With Fries
You ever notice to go to your favorite fast food jam and you already know what you want, you don't even need the menu, the speaker shouts.."How can I help you?", and you rattle off your order only to be interrupted with, "We no longer offer that". What! Oh, the pain. The confusion. The offensive suggested "other option". Well friends, that is exactly what you are going to experience if you head to KFC hoping to get a side of crispy potato wedges.....because they have been replaced with fries! I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it's true. And you would not be the only one upset by the change.
According to an article by BusinessInsider, "KFC started testing fries last year, and people have been noticing the new menu item rolling out at their local restaurants in recent weeks."
A representative for KFC relayed to BusinessInsider, "While we know there are wedge-lovers out there who may be disappointed, consumer response to our Secret Recipe Fries during the test and the rollout has been overwhelmingly positive," Ah, excuse me? See above. The interesting thing is KFC still is raving about their wedges on their website... talk about adding insult to injury.
Yes, there is an online petition to bring them back at change.org. It's a long shot, and it's still early but hey Wendys spicy nuggets made a come back so, anything is possible.
If you just have to have them, the only real option is to make them yourself. I know you can do it. Here is a great copy cat recipe:
Long live the wedge! Carry on, my job is done here.

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