Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Mid-Maine is such a great organization. They provides children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.

Big Brothers, Big Sisters of Mid-Maine serves Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Penobscot, Somerset and Waldo Counties. They can't do it without your help.

One of their biggest fundraisers is the annual 'Bowl for Kids' Sake!'

This years' events are coming right up with the Penobscot Bowl, March 28 – April 2. The Midcoast Bowl is April 4- April 14 and the Kennebec Valley Bowl, April 28 – May 9.

Register by March 1, and your team will automatically be registered in the 'Early Bird Raffle Drawing' to win a nice team prize, plus you’ll have the best choice of dates and times and have plenty of time to raise pledges before you bowl! Click here for all the registration information.

Prizes include a colorful 'Bowl For Kids’ Sake' t-shirt for all teams that raise at least $300 (per team!) The Grand Prize Raffle Drawing valued between $500-$1,000 (one winner per region) for anyone who raises $100 or more! Also, a special V.I.B. (Very Important Bowler) t-shirt for any bowler who raises $500 or more!

Peter Kramer / Getty Images
Peter Kramer / Getty Images

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