Teen Driver to Face Charges in Crash that Killed Taylor Darveau
The driver in the car accident that killed 15-year old Taylor Darveau in Bucksport, ME in October of 2013, has been charged with manslaughter and aggravated driving to endanger. Last night (April 9) the court summonsed the driver for the charges. She will be tried as a juvenile.
Taylor was a passenger in the vehicle driven by a 16-year old, who was under an intermediate license (with a 9 month probationary period) who had only had her license for 2 months. Driver inexperience and speed were a factor when the driver lost control of her vehicle on Bucksmills Rd. and struck a tree. The driver only received minor injuries while Taylor was fatally injured and lost her battle two hours later.
Coincidentally, on the day of Taylor's funeral service, Oct. 9, 2013, a six-month condition for new Maine drivers was changed to 9 months.
Taylor's parents, Corey and Christina Darveau, in Taylor's memory, have developed the T.A.Y.L.O.R. Foundation in an effort to raise awareness and to educate the community about teen driving.
[Source: T.A.Y.L.O.R. Foundation, WLBZ]
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