Every session bills are introduced by the Maine Legislature, many involving very important issues and topics. Others, well they can be just a bit quirky. Take a look at what some members of the 126th will be discussing on behalf of their constituents.

Rep. Barry Hobbins, Saco is introducing an act to extend the hours of the sale of liquor on St. Patrick's Day, which this year falls on a Sunday. How about a new law to allow someone with Crohn's Disease access to restroom facilities. That thanks to Sen. Colleen Lachowicz representing Waterville.

Also to be introduced is an act to allow a pet owners to collect non-economic damages for the death of a pet and a law that would exempt those in an antique auto from wearing a seat belt.

I know what you're saying, you really have always wanted to know who the candidates are when you go to vote. Well, now you might be able to tell tanks to Rep. Alan Casavant, Biddeford, whose act would allow name tags to be worn by candidates at polling places.

It's never boring in Augusta!

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