Maine DOT Shares Most Common Crash Type Data Compiled Over 10 Years
I had originally seen this graphic when it was shared by the Augusta Police Department. The Maine DOT has released information accumulated over a 10 year span about the most common types of crashes that occur in the state of Maine.
While bicycle, moose, rollover and pedestrian crashes can be the most severe and sometimes fatal, they make up the least common type of crash in the database. 3% of the accidents in the last decade were head-on collisions. Next are accidents that make up the 4% of the other category. After that, deer collisions make up 12% of accidents. 17% are classified as 'intersection movement'. 27% of crashes, which make up the most dangerous, are lane departure incidents. However, the most common type of car crash was the classic rear-ender. I suspect that has a lot to do with people not putting their phones down.
If you have some time, and want to read through an incredibly specific breakdown of accident type through the years, fatalities by type and how we compare to the US average, Maine.Gov has an extremely detailed breakdown that you might find fascinating.
In any event, lots of crashes can be prevented. Slow down when conditions are poor, put your phone down and buckle up!
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