How The Red Sox/Patriots/Celtics/Bruins Got Named
The Boston Red Sox have a pretty basic history. The owner in 1907, John I. Taylor, just really liked the name. Originally the Red Stockings, the moniker Sox was created because Stockings was too long to print on newspaper.
The New England Patriots, you can actually thank the people of Boston for this. They were given the chance to pick the name for the New American Football team coming to Boston, and Patriots won by a mile. They were the Boston Patriots until 1971 when it was recommended they change their name to New England.
When the Boston Association of America decided to create a franchise in Boston, many names were tossed in for contention like, Olympians, Whirlwinds, and even the Unicorns. According to NBA.com, Walter Brown said, "The name has a great basketball tradition from the old Original Celtics in New York (1914-1939). And Boston is full of Irishmen.
In 1924, grocery magnate Charles Adams was instrumental with bringing Hockey to Boston, even bringing former star Art Ross as coach, a job he had 4 times. As coach, he was instructed to come up with a name that instilled fear but was easy to remember. They came up with the Bruins, an old English word used to describe brown bears.
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