City Of Augusta Pushing For Redevelopment of Kennebec Arsenal
In a city filled with historic buildings, some of the most-striking are those of the old Kennebec Arsenal.
For decades, the buildings have been left to sit, unused. Sadly, even though a developer purchased the property years ago, nothing has been done with it.
According to the KJ, a North Carolina developer purchased the property 14 years ago, but has not really done much with it. However, the City of Augusta wants to change that!
In a Thursday evening meeting, city administrators discussed looking for ways to compel property owner Tom Niemann to begin development of the property. They plan to expose violations at the property that could potentially harm the public and they are planning to direct the City of Augusta's attorney to look into any violations of the city’s property maintenance ordinance, historic preservation rules, a public use agreement for portions of the property and any other potential violations of city ordinances.
Signs near the facility say that it will be redeveloped into retail spaces, restaurants, condos, and a boutique hotel.
The arsenal facility is nearly 200 years old. According to Wikipedia, the first phase of construction took place between 1828 and 1831. The phase included the building of the commandant's and officer quarters, barracks, stables, a carriage shop, and the main armory. The second phase of construction, which took place between 1832 and 1838, the quarters were enlarged and given their present Greek Revival styling. Also, a granite perimeter fence, several magazines, and a munitions lab were built.
TAKE NOTE - We do not encourage or condone trespassing. And, please be aware that exploring abandoned buildings can be dangerous.
Here's a fairly recent video exploration of the arsenal facility and its buildings.
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