Ice scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

In my opinion, if you don't like ice cream you must be certifiably crazy, off your rocker, or gone round the bend because there is no way you could be in your right mind and hate ice cream. Alright, that wasn't nice, but let's be real most people really do love ice cream.

Whether you're the type that loves a super simple cone of vanilla, or you like a banana split bigger than your face, there's no doubt that we as Mainers love ice cream.  Aside from loving ice cream in general, Mainers also love finding the perfect ice cream shop and will generally wait in line for one they love vs. finding a new one.

Maybe the ice cream shop you've loved for years has closed or maybe you've moved, either way, we put together a list of 25 amazing ice cream shops from Central Maine and beyond. This list covers a pretty large radius of Maine. From Augusta to Waterville, Skowhegan, Manchester, Boothbay Harbor, Jefferson, and more.

It is still early in the season, so please keep in mind that some of these places may not be open yet.  Check their Facebook pages and websites for more info about their hours.

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