This month, Google introduced a new logo, and told the story of the last seventeen years of its history on the internet. If you look closely, you can see ripples of the next seventeen years of innovation and discovery.

Love Google or hate it, the world's largest search engine is always present in our online lives, and since it launched in 1996, it has lead the way in search innovation and the distribution of knowledge online. With a market capitalization of almost $105 billion, the company either directly controls or has massive influence on all major aspects of searching for information and analyzing data on the internet.

While one company having that much power might seem a bit scary, here's what might be even scarier: Google has received more news coverage over the last two weeks about their choice to slightly alter their logo than they received when regulators in the world's second-largest country accused them of rigging search results to favor their own properties and products.

We use Google for everything. We use it to search, email, store files, analyze our web traffic, make money online through ads, and much more. It's probably not surprising that there have been a plethora of articles and blog posts both slamming the new logo design, and praising it for its ingenuity.

One thing's for sure: cleaner, sleeker, simpler and faster are all back in style. No more intricate, cluttered designsor attempts to redesign what's cool. Critics bashed the new logo for being too elementary and childish, but as it turns out, that was Google's intention. We all love being kids again.

We’ve changed a lot over the last 17 years, and today we’re changing things up again...

Posted by Google on Tuesday, September 1, 2015

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