Bath Iron Works Plans To Hire Over 2,500 People In 2021
According to WMTW, Maine shipbuilder Bath Iron Works plans to hire well over 2,000 people in the next year.
Earlier today (December 7th), the company laid out plans for 2021. One of the key items was the plan to hire 2,650 new employees in the next 12 months.
There have only been two times in the last 75 years where the shipyard hired more than 2,600 people. One of those instances was World War II.
They company had planned to hire 1,000 employees in 2020. But, after an exhaustive search that included a series of "drive-through" hiring events, they only managed to hire just over 800 employees.
According to Wikipedia, Bath Iron Works was opened by Civil War General Thomas Hyde in 1884. Since then, the shipyard has made private, commercial, and military vessels. The shipyard has built everything from destroyers, to cruisers, to battleships.
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