The American Community Project is all about exploring hunger needs in the United States. But with a little twist that very well may help draw attention to the journey and get people to pay attention. The journey will happened on SCOOTERS!  Yes, mopeds, with small trailers to carry ‘the stuff’. Oh and you don’t think that is wacky enough, the American Community Project starts in January in Massachusetts!  

I had a chance to talk with Dan Emery about the American Community Project.  He is one of the guys setting out on this journey.  Two guys, two mopeds, a goal to focus on hunger and hunger issues in our nations, traveling the lower 48 in 48 weeks….I can hardly wait to follow them on their trip!

Dan came in to tell me all about the project, the support his is receiving and the big questions...why mopeds and why Massachusetts in January!?

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