You might have seen the image all over Facebook of the 52 Week Saving Challenge. You save the amount of money as it is the week number of the year. So, the first week you save a dollar. The second week you save two dollars. Every week you add the next amount up to the end of the year. The 52nd week you add 52 dollars. By the end of the year you have $1378. Or do it backwards, gets you to the same goal.

If you and your sweetie both do it you have $2756. Maybe in the first half of the year you double the amounts each week. There are easy was to ramp it up, IF you choose. But for most of us, being able to save an extra $1400 is a BIG deal! For me that would most of my oil bill for the winter, or a big down payment on a trip to Dublin. Hummm…

As you can see, I have already started. For now, am going to put my cash in my ‘hugs a dog’ mug on my desk at home. Now the test of self-control starts, can I keep my paws off the cash? How much do I want to go to Ireland?

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