You Don’t Need To Visit The Fair To Get That Maple Ice Cream
If you've ever been to the Windsor Fair, you've probably seen hundreds of people walking around with cones of a certain off-white colored ice cream. Yes, I'm talking about those maple ice creams from Bacon Farm Maple Products in Sidney.
When you heard that the Windsor Fair would not be happening in 2020, I bet you thought you would have to wait over a year before you could get your hands on another one of these addictive ice cream cones. Fortunately, that is not the case!
According to their Facebook page, Shelley and the crew at Bacon Farm Maple Products are selling them at their farm stand. For now, they're selling the ice cream Thursday through Saturday, from 11 AM to 7 PM.
You can find their farm stand at 1427 Pond Road in Sidney.
Some of the other products you can get there, and on their website, include maple sugar, maple pepper, maple whoopie pies, and whiskey barrel aged maple syrup.