York Closes Beaches and the Rest of Maine Could Follow
Everyone thought of getting out to the beaches...and now York Beach is closed because of it.
The Portland Press Herald reports that public beaches in York were shut down because just too many people, including out-of-state day trippers, swarmed the beaches this past weekend.
Beaches all up and down the coast were busy with people looking to get out from the house. But if you crowd, that completely defeats the whole purpose of social distancing. It was a no brainer for York managers and officials after too many people had the same great idea.
Town parks could be next. They are now working on signs to tell people on the turnpike to turn around, the beaches and parks are closed.
We are social creatures, and for some of us social distancing can go against our very grain. The Surgeon General said that it's going to get worse before it gets better. You have to act like you have COVID-19 right now.
Let that sink in. Act like you have it. Everything you do could spread it. They aren't fooling around when they say to stay home or stay away from people. Wash your hands, disinfect...and just be safe.