Things You Need to Know: Togus Vet Grows 750lbs for Veterans
Here are the things you need to know today......
A garden at Togus produced 750 pounds of fresh vegetables this year to feed veterans on site. WABI reports the food is grown on site, feed veterans and gives the man, a veteran, a valued project. He hopes other vets help grow in future years.
A 19-year-old man is charged with gross sexual assault. Centralmaine.com reports he was charged with four felony counts after two women alleged that he assaulted them in a home in West Gardiner.
The new Augusta Food Bank will be open soon. Centralmaine.com reports that CMP needs to put in a pole and that was delayed because of the power restoration after the storm. They are now hoping for December 4th open date.
From the Associated Press:
The Maine Department of Marine Resources is accepting applications for a place in next year's baby eel fishing lottery. The baby eels, also called elvers, are typically worth more than $1,000 per pound on the international aquaculture market. The state is creating the lottery to try to get new people into the elver fishing business.
The U.S. Marshals Service is warning of several scams involving people claiming to be marshals, court officers or other law enforcement officials. U.S. Marshal Noel March says the scammers claim to be collecting a fine in lieu of arrest for failing to report to jury duty or other offenses. The victims are told they can avoid arrest by purchasing a prepaid debit card.
Supporters of an investigation into Maine's public referendums say they hope the probe sheds light on whether special interest groups are abusing the process. The Legislature's Government Oversight Committee voted in favor of allowing the investigation last week. Rep. Jeff Pierce of Dresden called for the investigation while the committee was conducting its own review of a referendum to allow a casino in York County.
Maine Republican U.S. Rep. Bruce Poliquin says he's going to vote for a tax overhaul that avoids a late suggestion by President Donald Trump to lower the top rate on high-wage earners. He says the GOP proposal would help Maine residents by doubling the standard deduction and increasing tax credits for children. He said Tuesday it would keep taxes low for small businesses and make large businesses more competitive by bringing the corporate rate into line with other industrialized countries.
In the wake of the military takeover in Zimbabwe, the national police force has recalled all officers on leave. A top police official who insisted on anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press told The Associated Press that all police on leave have been ordered to return to their posts immediately.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is having trouble remembering the Trump campaign's discussions about and dealings with Russians in the 2016 election. Sessions denies that he ever lied to Congress about those contacts, but he blames the chaos of the race for fogging his recollections. Sessions says he can't be expected to remember encounters from more than a year ago. He delivered more than five hours of testimony to Congress on Tuesday.
Officials say a Northern California man killed two neighbors with whom he had been feuding before he went on a shooting rampage Tuesday at apparent random sites _ including an elementary school that successfully locked him out _ in a series of attacks where he killed two more people and injured 10 before police fatally shot him. Police say surveillance video shows the shooter unsuccessfully trying to enter a nearby elementary school after quick-thinking staff members locked the outside doors.
Following President Donald Trump's visit to Beijing, China says it is sending a high-level special envoy to North Korea amid an extended chill in relations between the neighbors over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons and missile programs. The official Xinhua News Agency says a leading Communist Party official will travel to Pyongyang on Friday to report on the outcome of the party's national congress last month. He would be the first ministerial-level Chinese official to visit since October 2015.
Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore says there is a "spiritual battle" going on in American politics as he faces mounting pressure from national Republicans to drop out of the race. Speaking Tuesday night at a Baptist church revival in southwest Alabama, Moore made only passing reference to the sexual misconduct allegations enveloping his Senate bid.
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