New Augusta Store, Waterville’s Budget and Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
Togus is inviting Vietnam Vets and their families to an Honor Ceremony tomorrow. WABI reports it starts at 10am. All Vietnam Veterans will receive a commemorative lapel pin recognizing their service.
A fired school bus driver in Minot, who was fired for making racist and sexist comments, has been elected to the school board. The Sun-Journal reports Mike Downing dismissal was not made public so it's possible voters didn't know he had been fired.
Supporters of Maine's Medicaid called on Gov. LePage and lawmakers to begin implementing the voter-approved law as a July implementation date approaches. Centralmaine.com reports there is a dispute over funding.
The Augusta Planning Board OK'ed a new convenience store/gas station on the corner of Riverside Drive and Route 3. According to Centralmaine.com it would be across the road from an existing gas station and convenience store.
The Waterville City Council took a look at a proposed $18.2 municipal spending plan. Centralmaine.com reports the budget has decrease of 0.8 percent from the current $18.3 million budget.
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