Things You Need to Know: February 24, 2021
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
Wintery day for Maine according to Newscenter.
The town of Paris has passed a resolution opposed to the mask mandates; they say it violates the Americans with Disabilities Act according to centralmaine.com. Disabled advocacy group, Disability Rights Maine, supports Gov Mills mandates and is not supportive of this action.
Gov Mills gave a virtual speech last night about the Maine State budget according to WGME.
More and more places are starting to schedule COVID vaccines, they are still scheduling for only 70 and older according to WGME.
Waterville police are still looking for the man who robbed Walgreens on Feb 11th according to centralmaine.com.
Monday night a 7-year-old girl died in a house fire in the town of Lincoln according to WABI.
Tiger Woods was seriously injured in a single-car accident in California yesterday according to Newscenter.
Local, College, Professional sports scoreboard: Celtics lost last night they play tonight; Bruins play Thursday. Red Sox start spring training games on Feb 27.
Maine saw 145 new cases of COVID-19 yesterday for a total of 43,736. There has been a total of 660 deaths according to WABI.
Maine weather for your area from Maine.gov.
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