Medicaid Expansion and Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
Waterville police say a woman faces charges for allegedly burning her boyfriend's clothes and belongings in the street due to a fight Sunday night, according to US News.
A disqualified Republican U.S. Senate hopeful wants courts to force Maine to record votes he receives in this month's primary. US News reports a federal lawsuit was filed saying the SOS improperly invalidated some signatures.
A Maine court said the LePage administration must take a step to expand Medicaid as voters demanded in 2016 and they have until June 11 to submit Medicaid expansion paperwork to the federal government according to US News.
Two men were injured Saturday when they jumped out of a moving pickup truck whose brakes malfunctioned. According to centralmaine.com it happened on fishing in Mayfield township while they were driving on a logging road.
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