New Waterville Hotel, ‘Death With Dignity’ Law & Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
Colby College is building a $26 million hotel in Waterville according to centralmaine.com.
Maine Huts and Trails is closing two lodges because they can't find workers according to US News.
The National Park Service is looking to get the signs for the Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument according to US News.
Poland Spring plans to use 100% recycled plastic for water bottles according to US News.
Maine is close to passing a Death With Dignity law according to US News.
Maine gas prices are averaging $2.75, down 2.6 cents , nationally its $2.81 and that is 13.8 cents per gallon lower than this time last year according to US News.
30th anniversary of 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and Chinese authorities seem to want to eliminate it from their history according to US News.
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