Hallowell Firefighter’s Great Escape, RiverWalk Near Goal and Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
A Hallowell firefighter is happy to be alive after jumping out of a burning car on 295 in Portland Wednesday. He saw the flames from his care in the and then the breaks locked. He drove it into the guardrail to slow it down to get out according to WGME (check out the video too).
The PUC has expanded its audit of Central Maine Power to include customer communication issues not just the billing issue according to WMTW.
Gov. LePage finally Ok'ed voter-approved bonds that will fund a number of projects. Centralmaine.com reports he previously stalled the sale of a $117 million bond package in a dispute with the Legislature over issues.
The RiverWalk in Waterville is only $56,000 away of $1.5 M goal. Centralmaine.com posted that the project should be done by September and there is a dedication scheduled for October 6.
The Bureau of Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations is allowing a proposed change even though it won't go into effect until August 1 so 14-year-olds can begin bussing tables as long as they have work permits according to US News.
Border control agents arrested a Mexican national accused of illegally crossing into the Maine border from Canada according to US News.
Auburn Police are starting to post photos of shoplifters on social media to try and deal with what they called an out-of-control problem. Police blame a spike in shoplifting on opioids according to US News.
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