New Dangerous Dog Law, Medicaid Expansion and Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
The Maine Fire Marshal's says the fire at the Fryeburg Fairgrounds was caused by an electrical issue in one of the barns according to US News.
Gov LePage said he'd rather go to jail before expanding Medicaid and putting the state in debt according to US News. Maine voters approved the expansion.
The owner of a dog found in a hot car at the Auburn Walmart Sunday was in jail, arrested Saturday on a shoplifting charge. The Sun Journal posted the woman did not tell the police about the dog in the car. She has since claimed the dog from the humane society.
Maine's Animal Welfare Program say a new law as of August 1 increase cost for dogs that are labeled as "dangerous" or a "nuisance." WGME reports they will pay more for the license and in some cases wear a special collar tag.