Cornfield Joyride Turns Felony, Farmington’s Worker Shortage and Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
Augusta police department threw celebration for an 8-year-old girl who had no one show up to her birthday party according to US News.
Back to work for the state lawmakers as they consider dozens of vetoes, bonds and bills that have been held up by politics according to US News.
Bridgton has closed a lakeside beach because several people reported getting sick after swimming there during recently according to US News.
19-year-old New Sharon man's joyride in a cornfield has led to $5,000 in damage and a felony charge according to US News.
The father of a Skowhegan man arrested last month for assaulting a police officer has now filed a complaint against the officer for not being able to see that his 20 year old son was having an epileptic seizure according centramaine.com
Many business in Farmington are facing a shortage of workers according to Centralmaine.com
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