Gardiner’s Award, Skowhegan Graffiti, Lyme Vaccine and Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
A new Lyme vaccine is getting a lot of attention, it's considered safer and more effective than a previous vaccine that was pulled from the market 15 years ago according to NewsCenter.
Police are looking for the man who robbed the Bar Harbor Bank and Trust on Route 3 in China yesterday afternoon according to WMTW.
The 2018 Great Race’s stop in Gardiner was fun and also was named the Best Overnight City in the event’s specialty awards event made while traveling across North America according to centralmaine.com
Bricks Coworking and Innovation Space, coworking space for small businesses, is open in Waterville. The space is designed to attract entrepreneurs and businesses with stations, three private offices, a conference room, and high-speed internet according to WABI.
Skowhegan residents and the police are working to stop the growing amount of graffiti they are seeing in town according to WABI.
Two separate crashes in Mt Vernon resulted in two injured on the 3th of July, one was an ATV and the other a dirt bike according to centralmaine.com.
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