Bill on CBD, Skowhegan Indians Name Event & Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
2019 High School Basketball Tournament time!
Looks like snow for Thursday and Sunday according to centralmaine.com.
Maine lawmakers held a hearing on a bill to require schools test for lead in the water according to US News.
The ban for e-cigarettes on school grounds is up for committee vote according to US News.
A Rockland man is accused of sexually assaulting a teenage boy according to WABI.
A low-speed chase around the Augusta area according to WABI.
Alfond Cancer Care raised $115,000 to install 23 new chairs for chemotherapy patients according to WABI.
Waterville City councilors voted to increase parking fines and to accept a $10,000 gift from Colby College to help with parking enforcement according to centralmaine.com.
A national group ( Native American Guardian's Association) that supports the Skowhegan Indians name to speak at private event according to centralmaine.com.
The lawmaker's agriculture committee approved an emergency bill to treat CBD, as a food and not a medicine according to centralmaine.com.
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