Banning E-Cigs at Schools, Lewiston Dumping its Grading System & Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
Winter weather starts later today into Wednesday. Check out the forecast for you area from from Maine.gov.
United Way of Mid-Maine is struggling to raise $700,000 goal to support its community programs according to centralmaine.com.
Hallowell Councilors talked about the future of Second Street Fire Station according to centralmaine.com.
Gov. Mills told a joint session of the Legislature that it's time to move as she was building support for her $8B budget according to US News.
A public hearing is set for today on banning e-cigarettes on school grounds in Maine according to US News.
Maine gas prices still averaging $2.21 a gallon, nationally the average was up 3.1 cents per gallon but is still 28.8 cents lower than a year ago according to US News.
A hearing was held yesterday to change Columbus Day in Maine "Indigenous Peoples' Day" according to WGME.
In an emergency vote the Lewiston School Board to temporarily absolve its current grading criteria because the number of kids flunking according to Newscenter.
Lawmakers have a tentative deal to avoid another federal government shutdown according to US News.
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