Overdose Deaths, Augusta Bus Routes and Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
The Forest Service is looking for who has been dumping near a dirt road in Fryeburg according to US News.
The doctor who is planning on running against Sen. Susan Collins in 2020 was reprimanded by the Maine medical board according to US News.
The LePage administration says it will comply with the law to hire more public health nurses despite the pending lawsuit according to US News.
The FDA has approved the first generic version of the EpiPen opening the door for lower cost option for patients who suffer from life-threatening allergies according to Newscenter.
The deadline to participate in the lottery for one of Maine's deer permits was extended to Monday at 5pm after the site crashed according to WMTW. ( ME Any Deer permit )
Hallowell is addressing where adult-use marijuana could establish after the state lays out a framework for it according to centralmaine.com.
Not as many people are using the new bus routes that service Augusta’s several senior citizen housing complexes rides at off times like nights and weekends according to centralmaine.com
Maine in the top ten for overdose deaths that increased 10.9 %between January 2017 and January 2018, while the national average of 6.6 % according to centrlmaine.com