Milfoil Concerns in Annabessacook Lake and Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
A new restroom trailer has cut down on complaints of Old Orchard Beachgoers relieving themselves on the beach and private property according to US News.
A judge ordered the LePage's administration to release more than $1 million in public campaign funding that the governor held up by refusing to sign routine financial orders according to US News.
The Coast Guard warns that no one should be climbing on buoys it is dangerous and illegal. WGME reports a viral video is going around showing people doing it. Check out the video here from the Portland Old Port Facebook page.
A Lincolnville woman died after being hit by a boat while swimming in Damariscotta Lake. WMTW posted officials are investigating.
"MainStreetMaine.org" is new site to check out the cool things happening in downtowns around Maine according to WABI.
Officials may close a boat access to Annabessacook Lake temporarily because of milfoil concerns in that area according to centralmaine.com.
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