Rare Footage of Barbara Bush in Lewiston, Active Shooting Trainingand Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here are the things you need to know today......
Former first lady Barbara Bush passed away yesterday at home in Houston at age 92. Check out this video from WGME and their time in Lewiston.
Today is the Legislature's official last day of the session, but lawmakers could vote to stay longer since there are a few more bills to consider like the voter-approved Medicaid expansion funding and tax code changes with President Trump's tax reform. US News reports lawmakers also must make decisions on over 100 bills that received support in the House and Senate but have languished due to lack of funding. They will return in a few weeks to deal with any vetoes'.
The Waterville City Council meeting was packed last night upset about a number of issues. According to centralamaine.com the council approves statement of values.
First responders were at Lawrence Junior & High School yesterday for a training session, centralmaine.com reports it was training for an active shooter situation in a school.
Augusta city councilors met tomorrow to talk about a plan for an additional $40,000 to get the MaineDOT to build a sidewalk on a section of Civic Center Drive that sees a fair amount of pedestrians, according to centralmaine.com.
Maine's highest court on Tuesday cleared the way for a system in which voters are allowed to rank their candidate choices during the June primaries according to US News.