Hurricane Teddy Effects on ME Tuesday & Other Things You Need to Know
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
Maine starts the day with 550 active cases of COVID-19. 4,346 of the 5,035 cases recovered. There have been 139 deaths according to WABI.
The US CDC has now updated its CV-19 information on how the disease can spread throughout the air according to CNN.
Ten staffers at Inland Hospital are in quarantine after direct and indirect contact a COVID-19 patient according to centralmaine.com. Two have tested positive and the contact was first made outside of the hospital.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg died Friday and Sen. Susan Collins said her replacement to the Supreme Court should be made by the President who is elected in November according to WABI.
Hurricane Teddy will affect Maine Tuesday with high winds and continued dry weather; that is a concern for officials with Maine’s drought conditions and an elevated risk for fires according to WGME.
The Salvation Army is kicking off the Red Kettle campaign early to ‘rescue Christmas’ as they anticipate that the number of those in need going up for Christmas and beyond according to Newscenter. The digital Red Kettle campaign is already up and running.
Until the end of the year all kids in school, under the age of 18, are eligible for meal programs for free meals BUT parents do need to fill out a form for the school district according to centralmaine.com.
Patriots lost to Seattle 35-30, Monday Night Football is the Saints and Raiders.
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