‘Indian’ Shirts Upsetting Some in Skowhegan, Below Freezing Temps & Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
18 years later a firefighter killed on Sept 11th has been conclusively identified and laid to rest according to CNN. As of July 2019, the remains of only about 60% of the 2,753 people killed at the World Trade Center have been positively identified
A Skowhegan business is selling t-shirts and hoodies connecting the school and the “Indian” mascot according to centralmaine.com.
Cable companies in Maine are suing the state over the "a la carte law" according to US News.
Police have arrested on of the two men they are looking for in connection to a shooting in Northern Maine according to US News.
Fans of the historic bridge over the Androscoggin between Brunswick and Topsham are suing to save it according to US News.
A Wiscasset man has been indicted on nearly three dozen counts involving unlawful sexual contact and touching according to WMTW.
Maine is already seeing below freezing temp according to WMTW.
Date collection to be discussed on Maine Death with Dignity law according to WABI.
A man died after a crash in Brunswick according to centralmaine.com.
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