Things You Need to Know Today: October 28, 2020
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
Maine starts the day with 766 active cases of COVID-19. 5,399 of the 6,311 cases recovered. There have been 146 deaths according to WGME.
Cases of COVID-19 are on the rise in the state of Maine according to centralmaine.com.
Maine Principals Association has announced that winter sports are being postponed according centralmaine.com.
Gardiner High School will go to full remote learning until November 6th according to centralmaine.com.
Gardiner has a new interim fire chief according to centralmaine.com.
A man from Phillips is summonsed by police after his dogs killed another dog and injured two people according to centralmaine.com.
Colby College is receiving a $2M gift that will support the new athletic and arts centers according to centralmaine.com.
High School, College, Pro Sports: L.A. Dodgers have won the World Series
Absentee ballots in Maine have are arriving in the mail, many commutes have places where you can vote absentee in person, have special drop off boxes or extended hours according to WABI.
If you are reconsidering changing how you cast your vote this fall, check out this from centralmaine.com how what you can and cannot do if you are voting absentee.
Voters: mark your ballot ovals carefully and make your choices clear otherwise the ballots will need a review to be counted according to WABI.
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