Today’s Maine CDC Numbers & Other Things You Need to Know
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
According to CMPCO.com… 31,457 Mainers without power this morning.
Maine starts the day with 572 active cases of COVID-19. 4,678 of the 5,391 cases recovered. There have been 141 deaths according to WABI. This is the largest one-day increase since May not connected to an outbreak according to centralmaine.com.
The Maplecrest Nursing Home in Madison has had its plans to correct the violation rejected by the state according to WABI.
If you are reconsidering changing how you cast your vote this fall, check out this from centralmaine.com how what you can and cannot do if you are voting absentee.
Voters: mark your ballot ovals carefully and make your choices clear otherwise the ballots will need a review to be counted according to WABI.
The debate commission is considering changes to avoid a repeat performance of Tuesday night’s presidential debate according to centralmaine.com.
Gov. Mills has extended the Civil Emergency for the State of Maine to October 29th according to WGME.. Like many other states who have made the same move, it allows the states to tap into federal resources.
Gardiner’s Swine and Stein is shifting to a virtual event this year with a pick-up bag with Maine craft beverages and other local items according to centralmaine.com.
Former Lewiston/Auburn Mayor John Jenkins has died, he was 68 according to SunJournal.com.
Denver Broncos playing the New York Jets in Thursday Night Football.
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