ME Dentists Can Reopen, Changes to CV-19 Testing & Other Things You Need to Know
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
1,053 of the 1,713 total cases of COVID-19 have recovered and 71 deaths according to WABI. That means there are 589 active cases at this time.
Maine is now able to test anyone suspected of having COVID-19 according to WABI. The announcement was made at yesterday's daily press conference.
19 cases of COVID-19 have been found at the construction site for the new veterans home in Augusta. WABI reports they are trying to determined if Mainers caught it from out-of-staters or the other way around.
At least one Rockland business owner is not overly supportive of closing Main Street to traffic so business have more room for physical distancing and some businesses and offices in Calais are following the state restrictions and some are opening for business as usual according to WABI.
Maine’s community colleges are offering summer courses for 2020 high school graduates and they are offering them for free. WABI reports it will give the kids a head start on their college careers.
Maine dentists are now able to make the decision to reopen in Maine with new safety protocols according to centralmaine.com.
Four residents of the Betsy Ann Ross House of Hope for homeless female veterans say they were told last week the need to move out by today according to centralmaine.com. One of the board members says it is temporary and the house will stay open until the women find other accommodations.
Fox New’s Tucker Carlson has gone ahead and built a studio in Bryant Pond near his Maine vacation home and it is just about ready according to centralmaine.com.
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