May 5: COVID-19 Updates & Other Things You Need to Know
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
COVID-19: COVID-19 world map from John Hopkins University. County by county coronavirus count from centralmaine.com.
720 of the 1,205 total cases of COVID-19 have recovered and we have seen 57 deaths according to WABI. That means there are only 428 active cases at the moment.
Mainers who have recovered from COVID-19 are being asked to donate plasma so the antibodies can be studied as the look for treatments according to WABI.
Old Hallowell Day is canceled for this year according to centralmaine.com.
Waterville is looking at how to all the public to be part of meetings and temporary housing for any first responders who have been exposed to COVID-19 but are not symptomatic to ride out a quarantine according to centralmaine.com.
A large solar project is due to be built in Oakland this year according to centralmaine.com.
Hallowell is looking at creating a fund to help small businesses according to centrlmaine.com.
Native Tribes in Maine and many other states have yet to get any of the funds promised from the federal government the coronavirus relief package according to US News.
Sunday River Brewing is going to open again today according to WABI.
A Madison woman was seriously injured in a car crash in Palmyra last weekend according to WABI.
During this time the air quality is improving and Mainers are seeing more wildlife as life has slowed down over the last two months according to WABI.
LL Bean is doing curbside pick up in Freeport according to Bangor Daily News.
This 2020 Pumpkinfest and Regatta in Damaracotta is canceled according to WGME.
“Turdy Works” on truTV will air its first episode tonight according to WGME.
Gov. Mills did extend Maine’s Stay Health At Home order until the end of May and outlined the plans to roll out the reopening of many businesses according to WABI. (Here is an outline of business and timelines from centralmaine.com)
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