March 31 COVID-19 Updates & Other Things You Need to Know
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
NEWS: Former Richmond Police Chief Scott MacMaster will be the nee chief in Hallowell according to centralmaine.com.
COVID-19: COVID-19 world map from John Hopkins Univesity
County by county coronavirus count from centralmaine.com.
COVID-19 updates from Newscenter.
Maine starts the day with 275 cases and 207 of those cases are in Cumberland and York counties. About 1/6th of the cases are health care workers according to US News.
41 people who tested positive have recovered and the average of those becoming ill is 55 years old according to WABI.
Some Maine towns are stuck trying to figure out how to figuring out how to move ahead without having the ability to have the very public event of a town meeting according to US News.
Maine has extended your window to register your boat until the end of April and many communities in Maine you can take care of that sort of business online according to US News.
A resident at a nursing home in Saco had tested positive for the coronavirus according to WMTW.
CMP has donated protective gear to MEMA that included surgical and N95 respirators according to WMTW.
Construction projects in Maine may be moving along a bit slower and with new precautions but are still progressing according to centralmaine.com.
UMaine has canceled in-person graduation according to centralmaine.com.
LL Bean is using their dog bed liners and New Balance switching over and will be making masks for heath care workers according to centralmaine.com.
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