Things You Need to Know: January 26, 2021
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
Maine weather for your area from Maine.gov.
Mainers being reminded again about thin ice and to be careful after a person was recused Sunday in Damariscotta according to WGME.
Maine has 262 new cases of COVID-19 reported yesterday for a total of 37,046; there are a total of 547 deaths according to WABI.
Gov Mills' budget did not adjust to all of the federal guidelines and the forgivable PPP loans last year can be taxed as income for Maine businesses according to centralmaine.com.
Camden had a drive-in type town meeting to vote for some improvements in town according to WABI.
Officials are investing two bodies found at a home in New Sharon on a wellness check according to WABI.
Maine DOT has released a three year $2.7B plan for projects according to WABI.
Good Shepard Food Bank is getting solar panels to help keep its costs down according to WABI.
Thu-hikers on the Appalachian Trail are being told to postpone for this year because of COVID according to centralmaine.com.
“The Lost Kitchen” starts streaming today according to centralmaine.com.
Local, College, Professional sports scoreboard:
The Celtics won last night, Bruins play Tuesday, and both play Saturday.
NFL: Kansas City Chiefs will face the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in Super Bowl
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