Things You Need to Know: February 11, 2021
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
Donald Trump’s second impeachment trial yesterday showing the scope of what was happening and when according to WABI.
A variant of COVID-19 first discovered in the UK has now been discovered in Maine and appears to spread more easily according to WABI.
An 8 year old girl was the focus of a dramatic rescue as she fell about 20 feet off a chairlift at Sugarloaf yesterday according to WABI. She was injured and taken to the hospital.
A New York woman has been charged with felony murder of a New York man in October in Winthrop; she was arrested at a traffic stop in Waterville according to centralmaine.com.
Hallowell’s short term rental rules did pass with some adjustments from its original version according to centralmaine.com.
Local, College, Professional sports scoreboard: Bruins won last night, they play Friday and this weekend. The Daytona 500 is this weekend. Red Sox start spring training on Feb 27.
Maine saw 258 new cases of COVID-19 yesterday for a total of 41,883. There has been a total of 641 deaths according to WABI.
Maine weather for your area from Maine.gov.
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