Interactive Flu Map, Minimum Wage Increase 1/1/20 & Other Things You Need to Know Today
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
The number of deer, turkeys and bears killed by hunters this fall were all down according to US News.
Gov. Mills has released a ten year economic plan for Maine according to WABI.
Red Kettle donations have been down for the season for the Salvation Army in Northern New England but today is Red Kettle Blitz day and you are encouraged to donate at a Red Kettle or online according to WABI.
A tour bus driver fell asleep at the wheel and caused the crash of a bus in Burnham according to Newscenter.
A Lewiston High School student says her priviacy was violated by other students according to WGME.
Changes in the minimum wage and federal overtime rules are coming in January according to Newscenter.
Flu season is underway and you can check out this interactive flu map to see where it has been reported according to centralmaine.com.
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