28 People Test CV-19 Positive After Wedding & Other Things You Need to Know
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
Maine starts the day with 432 active cases of CV-19. Overall, 3,638 of the 4,197 of the total cases are recovered and there have been 127 deaths according to WABI.
28 people, who were connected to a wedding on Aug 7th at Big Moose Inn in Millinocket, have tested positive for CV-19 according to centralmaine.com.
There is still time to sign up for the 3rd Annual Corp Cole 5K; this year's event will be a virtual according to WABI. Cole was killed in the line of duty in 2018.
Maine’s community college system has a plan to help students have the tool they need for remote learning including internet, computers and tech support according to WABI.
4H Members have prepared their fair entries in the Maine State Virtual Fair and are being displayed in a virtual exhibit hall according to WABI.
Expecting an increase in need this year, The Maine Children’s Home for Little Wanders is starting their Christmas campaign early for donations according to WABI.
Maine Wardens are reminding campers to make sure your campfire is completely out; over 100 wildfires have come from un-extinguished campfires according to WGME.
Two people have been indicted for murder in last year's death of a Richmond man according to centralmaine.com.
Bruins and Celtics won, Sox lost…all three are off today.
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