April 27: COVID-19 Updates & Other Things You Need to Know
Here is a collection of the things you need to know today.....
Supporters of the transmission line project are now appealing the high court's decision that put the issue out to voters in November according to US News.
A Lewiston man died from injures suffered when some gas ignited on the car he was working on and he caught on fire according to US News.
Maine colleges have been working on how to deal with graduations with on-line and in-person graduation plans according to centralmaine.com.
COVID-19: COVID-19 world map from John Hopkins University
County by county coronavirus count from centralmaine.com.
COVID-19 updates from Newscenter.
532 of the 1,015 cases of COVID-19 have recovered and we have seen 50 deaths according to WABI. About a quarter of the cases have been health care workers.
DHHS offices on Water Street in Augusta were closed and deep cleaned after a vendor, who was in the building, tested positive for COVID-19 according to WABI.
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